Enter the restaurant bill amount into BigTipper’s bright blue display, then adjust the tip and split count using sliders. Your input appears on the left. Results are continuously calculated and appear on the right.
Share expense reports with your boss. BigTipper quickly generates and sends Meal Expense Reports, complete with your pictures and notes. Download a sample
Or set a preference to use dedicated buttons instead of sliders.
To make it easier for fellow diners to pay with cash, tap the “round”
button to round each share to an even amount. BigTipper adjusts the TIP
or TOTAL accordingly (to choose which: tap the TIP or TOTAL display before rounding).
Choose automatic rounding, or toggle between rounding up/down.
You may never have to re-enter the TIP percentage or SPLIT count again because BigTipper remembers your last choices.
BigTipper is available in several languages, and properly displays currency symbols, thousands separators, and decimal points for your country or locale.
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